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Daftar Penelitian Dosen Perbanas Institute

Program Studi
Jenis Karya Ilmiah
Noreg Dosen
Nama Dosen
Total data : 10
No Noreg Nama Program Studi Tahun Jenis Karya Ilmiah Judul Surat Tugas Level
1 91754 Acong Dewantoro Marsono S1 MANAJEMEN 2023 LAINYA Analysis of Business Model Development in Culinary Businesses Using a Cost-Restricted Business Model Canvas for PNM Mekaar Customers, Banjarnegara Branch
2 91754 Acong Dewantoro Marsono S1 MANAJEMEN 2023 PROSIDING NASIONAL The Effect of Green Banking Activities on Firm Value with Profitability as an Intervening Variable on Digital Service-Based Banks Listed in Asia
3 91754 Acong Dewantoro Marsono S1 MANAJEMEN 2023 JURNAL INTERNASIONAL The Effect of Leadership and Work Environment on Employee Productivity with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at PNM Medan Branch
4 91754 Acong Dewantoro Marsono S1 MANAJEMEN 2023 LAINYA The Effect of Experiential Marketing, Service Quality and Corporate Image on Customer Loyalty Expands with Customer Satisfaction as Intervening Variables at PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani Regional Solo
5 12001 Josua Panatap Soehaditama Profesi PROFESI AKUNTANSI 2023 LAINYA Analysis of Resilience and Competence on Employee Performance through Intervening Key Performance Indicator Variables
6 12001 Josua Panatap Soehaditama Profesi PROFESI AKUNTANSI 2023 JURNAL INTERNASIONAL Analysis of Work-Life Balance and Resilience: For Support Employee Performance in Logistics Company
7 12001 Josua Panatap Soehaditama Profesi PROFESI AKUNTANSI 2023 LAINYA Implementing the Capital Asset Pricing Model in Forecasting Stock Returns: A Literature Review
8 11036 Prameswara Samofa Nadya S1 EKONOMI SYARIAH 2023 JURNAL NAS. TERAKREDITASI Efektifitas Kanal Halal dalam Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Produk Halal di e-Commerce SINTA4
9 02036 Stepani Sisca Wulandari Profesi PROFESI AKUNTANSI 2023 JURNAL NAS. TDK. TERAKREDITASI Big Data Concepts, Opportunities, Challenges, and Paradoxes
10 02036 Stepani Sisca Wulandari Profesi PROFESI AKUNTANSI 2023 JURNAL INTERNASIONAL Enhancing operational efficiency and financial reporting through Oracle NetSuite ERP implementation: A case study in a logistics company